Are you looking for a location for your next film shoot or project/event?
Do you need a railroad tunnel, winding roads, awesome forest in combination with wildlife nature, than you have come to the right place.
Abandoned mineral quarry, in combination with a small village based on your synopsis and director’s treatment. We manage your timeline and within your budget for tv-series and film commercial project.
The biggest product range in Europe, covering 42 countries, 6 Supervising Location Managers.
MAPITO All in One and First Stop 4 Your Next Project, Europe and Worldwide.
Producers & entrepreneurs for outdoor media, online videomarketing, Events. Team Location Scouts & Location Managers for Film, Television, TV-Series, Advertising & Fashion assignments, est. 1991
Automotive Transportation & Logistics | Ocean & Air – Hotel + Car | Train + Boat | Visa | Permit | Secured Storage |Testing Facilities. Travelling delays, driving, communication, deadlines, According to your brief and within budget.
We are consistently updating and expanding our location library. If you or anyone else you know have a property you would like to see featured in a photography/film shoot, please write us an e-mail
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#Entertainment #Media #Film #People #Lifestyle – #Locations